The process of moving employees depends on the scheduling logic:

If you are planning one work schedule for one location (in the majority of cases), system administrators must be contacted in order to move employees, asking them to perform this action. 

The request must indicate the name and surname of the employee, the location where the employee currently woks and the location where the employee is to be moved.

Contacting system administrators:

Link to request form:

Having completed the action, administrators will inform you by a separate letter.

WORKOFO is currently installing a system update, and soon there will be a possibility to complete the action without involving administrators.

When planning one work schedule for several locations, employee locations may be set in the employee card. Steps to be taken to do that:

1. Open an employee card

2. In the main window, click Works at.... (text in blue)

3. Choose the main location

4. Choose if the employee works in other locations

4.1. If the employee works in other locations, indicate the percentage share of hours which the system must plan at the main point

4.2. If you have more than 2 scheduling locations for one work schedule, indicate the location/ -s where the employee does not want/ cannot work

5. Click Save

A green success message will inform of a successful step.