This case is relevant if there is more than one planning point assigned in the group.

There is a possibility in the system to set points where employees do not want to be scheduled for each employee.

For example, employees in a group are scheduled between 3 different stores. It is too far for employee John to travel to store 1. The solution is to specify store 1 as an undesirable scheduling point for the employee.

Unwanted scheduling points shall be listed in the employee card.

Steps to be taken to set points which employees do not want:

1. Click on name and surname in the schedule (to open the employee card)

2. Click an option (100%  at K880 PC Akropolis KLP)

3. In the new window, in the field Unwanted sites, choose from the list the points where an employee does not want/ cannot be scheduled 

4. Click Save

A green success message will inform of a successful step.  

The employee card will contain changed information on unwanted points.

Related articles:

How can I schedule employees over several points?