Each employee has a set full time equivalent position in the system.
Full time equivalent is used in planning the number of working hours for employee per month under the assigned accounting contract.
Full time equivalents of employees can be viewed/ changed in the employee card.
Steps to be taken to change full time equivalent for employees:
1. Click on name and surname in the schedule (to open the employee card)
2. Click the current full time equivalent value in the employee card.
3. Set a new full time equivalent for the employee in the new window and the date starting which (inclusive) the full time equivalent of the employee changes
4. Click Save
A green success message will inform of a successful step.
Full time equivalent for the employee will be replaced by a new value on the set Valid from date. An additional note on a change in full time equivalent will appear in the employee's card.
If there is a need to set a higher than a full time equivalent for the employee during the period of substitution of another employee, two full time equivalent change records shall be created.
For example, an employee works 1 full time equivalent, but the employee has to work 1.25 FTE during the period from 8 11 2021 till 14 11 2021.
Record 1: Valid from 8 11 2021/ FTE value - 1,25
Record 2: Valid from 15 11 2021/ FTE value - 1