WORKOFO allows you to view the changes made to the timesheet at staff member and daily level by type of change, author and time.

Changes are available from 25/10/2023 (if you need information on older changes, please contact the WORKOFO system administrator).

What changes are recorded?

- Editing daily preferences (if edited by an employee or manager). Creating, modifying and deleting a preference (the history of weekly changes can be viewed in the employee's card).

- Changes to another assignment. Creating, modifying, and deleting a task.

- Changes to absences (holidays, sick leave, etc.).

- Changes to assigned shifts. Creating, editing, and deleting a shift in the work schedule. Shift changes/creations/deletions via requests.

- Shift changes are recorded by the system only in the actual work schedule. This means that if you change shifts in the draft, the information is not displayed in the dayily change history.
- Shifts in the approved schedule are not displayed in the change history.
- Only managers can see the change history (the functionality is not available to employees).

How do I view my daily change history?

1. Click on the selected box in the timetable

if a shift has been assigned, click on the down arrow by hovering the mouse cursor over the shift

2. Click on the menu item Day changes history. In a new window, view the daily change history.

The latest changes are shown at the top of the list.

1. Employee information

2. Date on which changes are checked

3. Who made the change

4. When the change was made

5. What change was made

6. New information that has been saved (may vary depending on the change)