The system allows deleting a shift assigned to an employee

Having deleted a shift, information of a previously existed shift cannot be restored (solution - create a new shift)

Steps to be taken to delete a work shift: 

A shift can be deleted in three ways:

Way I

a) Hover the mouse cursor over the shift and click arrow down

b) Choose Delete shift from the list  

c) Confirm the action

Way II

a) Hover the mouse cursor over the shift and click arrow down

b) Choose Delete shift and mark as from the list

c) Choose from the list the reason which the system will complete in the window for the shift


a) Click the shift and open the window Shift Details

b) Click Delete shift

c) Confirm the action

Using additional functionalities offered by the system is recommended when editing a shift:
- Smart shift deletion - Unassigned shift

Related articles:

Shift errors, what are they and how to resolve them?

How do I delete a shift with smart system recommendation?

What are unassigned shifts?