A schedule administrator/manager only can set and edit weekly preferences. Employees cannot edit their own weekly preference template.

Weekly preferences are set in the employee's card:

1. In the work schedule, Click on the selected employee for whom weekly preferences are to be set/ changed.

2. Choose Weekly in the employee card  

3. Perform actions on weekly preferences:

Weekly preferences by position:

WORKOFO system allows to set a weekly preference template based on the employee's job position. In this case, a preference template is automatically assigned according to the selected position. 
In order to assign a weekly preference template for a position, contact a WORKOFO system administrator.

Setting a weekly preference template for an employee:

WORKOFO system allows pre-setting different templates and their names. In order to include a new template in the system, contact a WORKOFO system administrator.

a) Click +Add weekly preferences (if no weekly preferences have been created) or Edit.

b) Click Unselected next to the note Weekly preference template

c) Choose a template to be added and click the selected template (after clicking, preferences will be filled in automatically).

d) Choose date starting which the preference template will apply.

e) Click Save.

NOTA BENE: before saving the selected template, it can be edited as needed. The template in the system will remain the same, however, weekly preferences according to your corrections will be applied to the employee.

Editing weekly preferences:

WORKOFO system allows creating individual weekly preferences for employees (otherwise than according to the selected template).

a) Click +Add weekly preferences (if no weekly preferences have been created) or Edit.

b) Click weekly preferences according to the day of the week. Click the note in the Availability preference column. Each day of the week shall be adjusted separately.

c) Choose date - when the set weekly preferences must be valid.

d) Click Save.

NOTA BENE: Validity date can only be selected in the period where there is an open employee card. The set preference template is valid till the start date of another preference template or indefinitely, only if there are no other templates.

Watch the video to get familiar with the listed steps:

Related articles:

Who is given a priority for a daily or weekly preferences?