The rule The number of employees at work sets the minimum and the maximum number of employees. Additional filters may be used with the rule:
Rule type | Specific rule parameters | Applicable filters (as needed) |
Number of employees at work |
Cases of use:
- Setting a maximum number of employees for the number of workstations (e.g. number of cash registers)
- Setting a maximum number of employees for inventory (e.g. the number of scanners)
- There shall be one employee at the most working the night shift
We do not recommend using the rule for planning employees instead of the calculated workload in the system. If you noticed that the planned workload does not correspond to the fact, contact the WORKOFO system administrators
Steps to be taken to set the maximum number of employees at work:
1. Choose Rules in the main menu
2. Click Add new rule
3. Click the rule Number of employees at work
4. Complete the main rule information: valid from, valid to (optional, if the rule is valid indefinitely), rule name
Rule names cannot repeat in the system
5. Click the blue text 2 employees at the least
6. Set the maximum number of employees in the window maximum
7. Click Save
8. Set hours and additional filters as needed
9. Click Create a rule
A green success message will inform of a successful creation of a rule
Watch the video to get familiar with the listed steps
Related articles:
How do business rule filters function?
How do I terminate a rule, if a created rule is no longer relevant?