Draft / Optimised draft / Optimised actual versions of work schedules can be approved. An approval indicates that the schedule is appropriate and that the planned work schedule will be used in the course of the month.
Employees can see approved work schedules on the website or on the mobile app, if they have been granted access thereto
An approved work schedule shall be moved to the timetable version Actual
Schedules must be approved, because:
- Reports can be generated with approved work schedule versions. In the absence of such a version, a report will not be generated
- Hours can be transferred between months (a period where the balancing of hours takes place) in cumulative accounting of working hours. The system calculates working hours for a period according to the Actual work schedule version.
- Employees see the actual work schedule version only, if they have been provided with access
Steps to be taken to approve a work schedule:
1. Choose a group wherefor a work schedule is to be approved
2. Choose a month
3. Several ways to approve a work schedule version:
Way I (if an optimised work schedule version is being approved - Optimised actual/ Optimised draft)
a) Click Approve in the middle of the window
b) Confirm the action
c) Wait for the system to approve the selected schedule (may take up to 20 seconds)
Way II
a) Click on the work schedule version name
b) Click Confirm button next to the work schedule being approved
c) Confirm the action
d) Wait for the system to approve the selected schedule (may take up to 20 seconds)
A green success message will inform of the successful approval of a work schedule in the system
An actual work schedule version cannot be approved twice
Related articles:
How do I view an optimised work schedule version?
How do I export work schedules?
How do I delete an optimised work schedule version?
How are work schedule versions different?
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