A work schedule created in the system can be exported to a Microsoft Excel file.
Two work schedule versions can be exported:
- Monthly (a view of a monthly work schedule and statistics of the month)
- Daily (a separate day in a separate page itemized by activities of employees every 15 minutes)
Steps to be taken to export a work schedule to a Microsoft Excel file:
1. Choose group wherefor a work schedule is to be optimised
2. Choose the month
3. Choose the version for exporting (if the currently selected one is unsuitable)
a) Click the version name
b) Click the work schedule to be exported
c) Wait for the selected work schedule version to load
4. Click on the cog icon
5. Click Excel Export
6. Click Save Changes (if changes to the work schedule were done after the optimization). Wait for Excel files to be generated in the system (this may take up to several minutes)
7. Click the Excel file version to be exported - Monthly.xlsx / Daily.xlsx
8. The file will be sent to the standard location on your PC where all the downloaded files are stored.
Related articles:
How do I view an optimised work schedule version?
How do I approve a work schedule?
How do I delete an optimised work schedule version?