New functionalities may be added to WORKOFO as a result of ongoing changes. The WORKOFO system administrator will inform about new functionalities and share the user manual.

How and when system support help is provided:

If one of the following situations occurs, complete a request describing the situation/ problem with a detailed information:

- the system malfunctions (system errors/ bugs)

- there is no functionality description in the support system

- schedule planning must be changed

- different help of WORKOFO system administrators is necessary

How do I complete a request?

1. Click New support ticket in the support system or use the provided link:

3. Complete the required information (a sample detailed request is presented below)

4. Click Submit

WORKOFO system administrators will receive the completed request form and use the specified e-mail address to contact you.

Having submitted a request, system administrators will contact you by the specified e-mail address without any undue delay, but no later than in 3 business days.